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Curriculum Overview

  1. To nurture and develop well rounded positive, responsible and caring individuals.

  2. To make learning fun and give children opportunities to develop their knowledge and skills in order to achieve their full potential.

  3. To enable children to work cooperatively with others, develop their independence and foster their creativity.

In order to achieve the above we need to ensure children:
  • Have firm foundations of basic skills which they can use and apply.
  • Have a broad range of exciting and creative opportunities to discover and nurture their individual talents.
  • Develop a set of core Catholic values.
  • Have access and opportunity to achieve their full potential, whilst developing their sense of uniqueness, confidence and self- worth.
  • Develop their awareness of caring for their surrounding environment and the wider world.
  • Appreciate and value the contributions made by all ethnic groups in our multi – cultural society.
St Thomas More Catholic First School’s curriculum encompasses the following:
  • The National Curriculum core and foundation subjects, which are brought to life through an engaging, inspiring and creative curriculum.
  • RE (which is delivered through the “Learning and growing as the children of God”, Personal Social Health Education, (PSHE) and Citizenship.
  • TenTen “Life to the Full” RHE programme.
  • A programme of enrichment and extra curricula activities which include creative and physical opportunities. For example: music tuition, sports coaching, arts and crafts, foreign language.

Our Catholic faith is at the heart of everything we teach, believe and celebrate. So that we are able to become God’s Servant First.