All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to a free hot or sandwich meal, provided by our caterers, Class Catering. Hot or sandwich meals are also available for Year 3 and Year 4 children at a cost of £2.70 a day.
All meals have to be ordered 48 hours in advance via School Food United CLICK HERE for details on how to register. Water is available at lunchtimes in the dining hall.
If children do not have a meal provided by school, they will need to bring a healthy packed lunch. Drinks should be in an unbreakable container (please do not send hot or fizzy drinks).
Parents and carers on certain benefits and who have a household annual income of less than £16,190 may be entitled to Free School Meals which gives a child a free lunch and also means that the school receives £1320 to enhance their child’s education. An application form is available from the school office or via this link:
Worcestershire Gov - Applying for free school meals
To encourage children to eat a healthy diet we do not allow sweets, chocolates, crisps or fizzy drinks in school. The Government’s “Change for Life” campaign has some hints on tips for healthy snacks and meals in the link below.
Fruit is provided for children in Reception and KS1. Drinking water is always available. KS2 bring in their own fruit snack. Children are all encouraged to bring a refillable water bottle to school each day. We encourage children to drink lots of water throughout the day and have fountains available to refill these throughout the day.
We ask all parents to support us by only sending in healthy food and snacks to school. Thank you.
Should your child have an allergy to food items, it is your responsibility to let the school office know and to complete the form below to receive a full and detailed listing of allergens present within the menu range.