Our class saint is St Nichola- the patron saint of children and students
For each term we will add a curriculum newsletter, so that you know what your child will be learning about at school an you can talk to them about it.
We will also add photographs of children enjoying their learning at school for you to enjoy too.
Staff in the EYFS
Mrs Jones is the class teacher of RJ Meet-the-teacher-NJ-2024.docx
Mrs Lisek and Miss Stephens are the Teaching Assistants in the EYFS and support all children in the Early Years
PE will be on a Tuesday and a Thursday so please ensure that their PE kit is in school on those days.
We will also be experiencing Treetop Tuesdays and children need to come into school in some old clothes and have their uniform to change into in a named bags. They will also need wellies which will remain in school for the year.
Please do not hesitate to come and see any of the staff with any questions and queries and we will do our best to help you.
This term we will be looking at...
This term we will be looking at...
This term we will be looking at Transport in our topic and thinking about different ways we can move.
This term we will continue to look at Transport and begining to start our phonics lessons ready for Reception.