
We intend to:

  • develop an awareness and understanding of the presence of God in each individual child’s life and to encourage a personal response to that presence 
  • allow each child to develop their conscience and make sound moral judgements based on commitment to following Christ 
  • enable each child to learn and develop their full potential according to their abilities and adopt attitudes of care and respect for each other 
  • promote the sacramental life of Christian families and to encourage parents to take an active part in the preparation of their children for the sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Communion 
  • To foster school-parish links to ensure that our children remain exposed and committed to the Catholic faith beyond the realms of the school curriculum 

Religious Education is an integral part of our school life. Children are taught RE for 2 hours and 40 minutes in Pre-School, Reception and KS1 and 2 hours 45 minutes in KS2 each week. Our RE curriculum ensures that children empathise with different faiths and beliefs. Children learn about their own and other cultures and how their lives are similar and different. Children are encouraged to celebrate difference and diversity and are tolerant to each other’s beliefs. The RE curriculum is supported by visiting speakers and a visit to church. RE is covered as a discrete subject and in each unit key vocabulary is taught.

The Diocesan RE syllabus is followed, ‘Learning and Growing as the People of God’, which covers ‘The Liturgical Year’, ‘The Sacraments’, ‘Scripture’ and ‘Living as Christians’. We aim to foster a child’s personal relationship with God and show them how they can create a better world by their faith in the risen Jesus and by following the Gospel Values.

The children will develop their knowledge of Catholic life and faith. They will develop their awareness of Catholic beliefs and an understanding of how learning about their faith impacts on how they live their life. The children will learn to apply core skills to enable them to express their understanding of their faith and to think critically, spiritually and theologically while making informed judgments. They will develop appropriate attitudes such as respect for truth and the views of others, and develop moral responsibilities and responses to the challenge of living in a multicultural, multi-faith society.

When they are in Year 3 Catholic children are prepared for the sacraments of Reconcilation and First Holy Communion. The RE syllabus strongly supports our programme of Sacramental preparation. This programme runs from January to June with parents, school and parish all having an input. During this period workshops for parents and children are held regularly at school and four special celebrations are arranged at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church as a preparation for First Holy Communion Day in June. These workshops and Masses are led by our Parish Priest, RE Lead and Year 3 Class Teacher.

  • We aim to show children that RE lessons are not just about learning, but about about being relective and prayerful and kessons have a specific structure to encoperate this.
  • The lesson starts with the lighting of a candle to show that Jesus is present with our lessons.
  • Then a prayer is shared together with the class.
  • Children complete Flash Back 4, which is a set of questionsto show understanding of previous learning from a unit in their current year group, or a previous year group or to show understanding of vocabulary in their current year group or a previous year group.
  • Children can ask religious and 'I wonder' questions throughout the lesson.
  • Scripture is shared, if it is relevant to the lesson, followed by the main teaching and a task.
  • A challenge question is aswered by the children at the end of the lesson to show what the children think, believe or how they can link the teaching to their own lives.
  • Reflective music is played during the lesson to set a reverent atmosphere.
  • Each lesson ends with a prayer.

Collective Worship

Liturgy and prayer are an integral part of school life. The provision for prayer and liturgy alongside our curriculum promotes our Catholic faith.

There is whole school, key stage or class collective worship every day. These enable us to present themes and ideas to larger groups of children, which draws us together in understanding and agreeing common goals. Children play an active part in leading and participating in our worship. Visiting speakers are also invited from time to time covering a wide variety of topical, local and international issues.

We have fortnightly Masses on a Monday, led by our school Chaplain Father Jason who is the Parish Priest at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic Church and parents and parishioners are welcome to attend. Each class leads Mass in turn by reading, praying and singing.
