‘A high-quality computing education equips pupils to use computational thinking and creativity to understand and change the world.’
Computing programme of Study, DfE, 2013
The school will:
Computer Science
- Develop confidence in coding on a range of devices
- Develop understanding of technology and how it is constantly evolving and updating
Digital Literacy
- Enable a safe, respectful computing environment and demonstrate appropriate computing behaviours
- Expose children to a range of digital resources and devices
Information Technology
- Develop ICT as a cross-curricular tool for learning
- Promote learning through the development of computational thinking
- Allow children to understand and appreciate the modern world
Digital Well-being / E-Safety
- Take responsibility for own computing behaviours
- Demonstrate respect for other digital users and computing laws
- Identify safe computing behaviours
- Provide opportunities for pupils of all backgrounds to achieve in computing
Progression of Skills